
Percentage Calculator

Percentage Calculator: Easily find out what percent of , or the percentage increase/decrease, with this free online tool. No sign-up needed.

Percentage Calculator is a free online tool to calculate percentages. What is % of? %. is what percent of? %. 100% free no sign-up needed

Free Percentage Calculator

Welcome to Percentage Calculator, a free online tool that allows you to easily calculate percentages. Whether you need to find out what percentage a certain number is of another number, or determine what percentage a given number is of a whole, our calculator is here to help. Say goodbye to manual calculations and start using our convenient tool today!

Calculate Percentages Easily with Percentage Calculator

Welcome to Percentage Calculator, a free online tool that allows you to easily calculate percentages. Whether you need to find out what percentage a certain number is of another number, or determine what percentage a given number is of a whole, our calculator is here to help. The best part? It’s completely free and requires no sign-up. Let’s explore how you can use our tool to calculate percentages quickly and effortlessly.

Calculating “% of”

One common scenario where you may need to calculate percentages is when you want to find out what percentage a certain number is of another number. This can be useful in various situations, such as calculating discounts, determining proportions, or analyzing data. Our percentage calculator makes this process a breeze.

To calculate “% of”, simply follow these steps:

  1. Enter the value you want to find the percentage of in the first input field. For example, if you want to find out what 25% of 80 is, enter 25 in the first input field.
  2. Enter the total value or the number you want to calculate the percentage against in the second input field. In our example, you would enter 80 in the second input field.
  3. Click on the “Calculate” button.

Our percentage calculator will instantly display the result, showing you what percentage the first value is of the second value. In our example, it would show that 25% of 80 is 20.

Calculating “Is What Percent of”

Another common scenario is when you want to determine what percentage a given number is of a whole. This can be useful when you want to understand the relative proportion or contribution of a certain value within a larger context. Our percentage calculator can help you with this calculation as well.

To calculate “Is What Percent of”, follow these steps:

  1. Enter the value you want to find the percentage of in the first input field. For example, if you want to find out what percentage 25 is of 80, enter 25 in the first input field.
  2. Enter the total value or the whole in the second input field. In our example, you would enter 80 in the second input field.
  3. Click on the “Calculate” button.

Our percentage calculator will quickly calculate the percentage and display the result. In our example, it would show that 25 is 31.25% of 80.

Why Use Percentage Calculator?

Now that you know how to use our percentage calculator, let’s explore why it’s a valuable tool to have at your disposal.

1. Convenience: Our online calculator is accessible from any device with an internet connection. You can use it anytime, anywhere, without the need for any additional software or sign-up process.

2. Time-Saving: Calculating percentages manually can be time-consuming and prone to errors. Our calculator automates the process, saving you valuable time and ensuring accurate results.

3. Multiple Scenarios: Our calculator can handle a wide range of percentage calculations, including “% of” and “Is What Percent of”. It’s a versatile tool that can assist you in various situations.

4. Free of Charge: We believe in providing useful tools to everyone without any cost. Our percentage calculator is completely free to use, with no hidden fees or subscriptions.

5. User-Friendly Interface: Our calculator features a simple and intuitive interface that makes it easy for anyone to use, regardless of their mathematical background.


Calculating percentages doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With our free online Percentage Calculator, you can quickly and accurately determine percentages without any hassle. 

Whether you need to find out what percentage a certain number is of another number or determine what percentage a given number is of a whole, our calculator has got you covered. Say goodbye to manual calculations and start using our convenient tool today!

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