
7 Famous Quotes About Motive

Be inspired by the greats! Check out our top 7 famous quotes about motive and find out how these influential people think about motivation.

Motivation is an essential element of success, and throughout history, people have sought to impart their wisdom about this powerful force.

From Aristotle to Zig Ziglar, these famous quotes about motive provide insight into the power it holds over our lives.

They are words of encouragement, inspiration, and advice that can be used to help us reach our goals and dreams.

This article will discuss 7 famous quotes from influential figures in history who have weighed in on the topic of motivation.

Famous Quotes on Motivation

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.”

– Steve Jobs. This quote reminds us to stay motivated and passionate about our career paths, no matter how difficult they may be.

It encourages us to focus on the things that we are truly passionate about and not simply settle for a job that we don’t enjoy doing.

We should strive for excellence in all that we do, regardless of the challenges presented along the way.

“Expect problems and eat them for breakfast.” – Alfred A Montapert.

As daunting as it may sound, this quote reminds us to never shy away from obstacles or difficulties that come our way but instead embrace them as an opportunity for growth and progress towards achieving our goals.

Montapert urges us to take on difficult tasks head-on by transforming negative thoughts into positive ones in order to make progress despite any setbacks encountered along the journey.

“Success is not final; failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that count” – Winston Churchill.

This powerful quote by Churchill emphasizes perseverance in reaching our goals no matter how challenging they might be or how many times we fail on our road toward success.

The key takeaway here is that even if we fail at something, it should be seen as a learning experience rather than an end-all scenario that should motivate us further into becoming successful despite any obstacles encountered along the way.

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Quote 1: Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison is renowned for his innovative contributions to technology and society, many of which have shaped the modern world.

He is famously quoted as saying

“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”

This quote reflects Edison’s unwavering commitment to perseverance and determination – two qualities that were essential for him in achieving success.

His life-long journey of trial and error speaks volumes about his dedication and tenacity; he was willing to fail countless times in pursuit of a worthwhile result.

This inspiring statement serves as a reminder that with enough hard work, commitment, and belief, anyone can reach their goals.

For Edison, failure was simply an opportunity to learn from mistakes and make improvements; it did not denote defeat or lack of capability.

This goes to show that no matter what challenges you face or how difficult the goal may seem, it’s important not to give up if you truly want something out of life.

Quote 2: Henry Ford

Henry Ford famously said

“Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”

This quote is all about having the right mindset. People who believe they are capable of achieving something will be more likely to strive for it and eventually succeed.

On the other hand, people who don’t believe they’ll be able to accomplish something are far less likely to even try.

This quote implies that our thoughts have a direct impact on our actions and our outcomes in life.

Ford’s quote speaks to the power of positive thinking as well as the importance of believing in yourself.

When we tell ourselves that we are capable and worthy of success, then no matter what obstacles may appear we will find ways around them and continue working towards our goals.

Additionally, self-belief can help us persevere through difficult tasks and keep striving for personal growth even when things become challenging.

By focusing on this idea of self-confidence and personal growth, Henry Ford has inspired countless people to pursue their dreams with optimism and determination – proving that having faith in yourself is essential on any journey towards greatness.

Quote 3: Vince Lombardi

Vince Lombardi’s famous quote

“The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand,”

speaks to his philosophy around achieving success. Lombardi believed that with hard work and dedication comes motivation; he wanted people to understand that giving it their all regardless of the outcome will bring about success.

He encouraged individuals to take ownership of their own actions and be accountable for their efforts in order to see rewarding results.

This quote from Vince Lombardi has been an inspiration for many due to its positive message: if you put in the effort and maintain a strong work ethic, you can achieve anything.

It serves as a reminder that dedicating yourself fully is the key ingredient needed for success.

Lombardi has also been credited with popularizing team-oriented sayings like “winning isn’t everything but wanting to win is” which further emphasizes his belief in working together as a team towards a common goal.

Quote 4: Eleanor Roosevelt

Eleanor Roosevelt once said

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.”

This is an inspirational quote, encouraging people to believe and strive for the goals they set out for themselves.

Eleanor Roosevelt was a powerful figure in history – she was one of the first women to be involved in politics, and she played a major role in advocating for human rights as well as bringing attention to social injustices.

She was able to make her mark on history due to her strong belief that anyone can achieve anything if they put their minds to it and have faith in themselves.

Her quote about believing in our dreams emphasizes this point; it encourages us all not only to dream but also to work hard towards making them come true even when times are difficult or uncertain.

It is a reminder that with determination and effort, we can reach our goals no matter what obstacles may stand before us.

Quote 5: Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou’s quote

“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude”

is a call to action for those who feel helpless and overwhelmed by the world around them.

It encourages individuals to look at their own lives and situations in order to make meaningful changes that lead to personal growth and development.

Angelou believed that we each have the power within us to effect positive transformation in our lives, regardless of our circumstances or background.

This quote speaks directly to the power of taking ownership of one’s life and recognizing that the responsibility lies with ourselves when it comes to creating a better future.

Moreover, this quote also makes clear that we need not be limited by external forces; instead, if we are willing and able, we can find ways of transforming even seemingly unconquerable obstacles into opportunities for growth.

Quote 6: Winston Churchill

Winston Churchill’s famous quote speaks to the power and importance of motivation.

His words, “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that count”

Succinctly imply that success and failure are both a part of life and should be accepted as such.

As a British Prime Minister during World War II, Churchill knew all too well about persevering through challenging times.

He encouraged others with his words to press on even in the face of uncertain outcomes.

This sentiment can help us stay focused on our goals despite obstacles or temporary setbacks.

The idea of continuing onward in spite of adversity can also strengthen our resilience in difficult times.

When we remind ourselves that there are no guarantees in life, it helps us keep our focus on what truly matters – staying motivated and determined until we see the results we want.

We may encounter many obstacles along the way but if we have faith and drive then these challenges can become opportunities for growth instead of roadblocks toward our dreams.

Churchill’s inspiring words ring true today, they serve as an eternal reminder that true success comes from having courage and tenacity even when facing uncertainty or fear.

Quote 7: Confucius

Confucius is known for his wise and thought-provoking quotes. One of the most popular quotes attributed to him is

“Wherever you go, go with all your heart.”

The quote encourages individuals to be passionate and wholehearted in whatever they do or wherever they venture.

This speaks to the importance of having a strong motive that drives one toward their goals.

It serves as a reminder that commitment and dedication are essential components of success.

When we give our all and put our heart into something, it shows that we truly care about achieving our desired outcomes.

Engaging with activities from this perspective allows us to stay motivated, even when faced with difficulty or adversity.

Furthermore, it also allows us to enjoy the journey of progress instead of just focusing on the end result.

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Conclusion: The Power of Motivation

Motivation is a powerful tool that can be used to make meaningful changes in our lives.

It can provide us with the energy and momentum needed to make difficult decisions, take risks, and move out of our comfort zones.

Without it, we lack focus and direction. Famous quotes about motivation can help to light the spark that propels us forward.

They remind us of why we are taking action, what drives us to face challenges, and what motivates us in life.

Additionally, these quotes also encourage others who may lose hope or give up due to life’s difficulties.

In conclusion, motivation gives people the courage to keep striving for success regardless of their current circumstances or past mistakes.

It has been proven time and time again that with hard work and dedication anything is achievable if you have the right mindset – something these famous motivational quotes can help cultivate within all of us!

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